Monday, April 5, 2010

A Fourth Deed Found on Frances Shiflett Property

This deed was found last week by Lynn Lambert at the Clerk's office in Rockingham County, VA.

[Sale of Property from M. M. Jarman & wife, J.W. Shiflett and John Tompkins to S. J. Hensley]

March 15, 1915

THIS DEED, from Andrew P. Hensley & wife to J.B. Dean was this day presented in the office aforesaid, and is, together with the certificate of acknowledgment annexed, admitted to record.

Teste, [signature] of Clerk Blackburn

This deed, made this 13 day of February 1915, between M.M. Jarman, Lizzie A. Jarman, his wife, J.W. Shiflet and John Tompkins, parties of the first part, and S.J. Hensley, party of the second part, all parties of Rockingham County, Virginia,

Witnesseth: That in consideration of the sum of four hundred dollars cash in hand paid, by the said party of the second part to the said parties of the first part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said M.M. Jarman, Lizzie A. Jarman, J.W. Shiflet and John Tompkins do bargain, sell, grant and convey, with general warranty of title, unto the said S.J. Hensley, all of that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the eastern part of said county, and situated on the west side of the Blue Ridge Mountain adjoining the lands of Smith Roach, Armentrout and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a hickory, near a branch corner of Solomon Shiflet, thence S.11 E.80 poles to a poplar on a branch, thence S.19 E.62 poles to a large rock and two lyns, thence S.42 1/2 W.16 poles to a white walnut and hickory; thence S.59 W.14 3/4 pols to a mahogany on a rock; thence S.45 W18 poles to a large chestnut oak, thence S.51 W19 1/2 poles to a red oak and locust in or near Armentrout line, thence N.43 W.165 poles to a chestnut stump on a mountain (but now a marked hickory) thence N.60 E.145 poles to a large poplar; thence S80 E.35 poles to a white oak, near the road; thence S.23 E.3 poles to the beginning, containing fifty five acres more or less. The said land being the same land inherited by John W. Allan from his mother, the late France Shiflet, and being the same land conveyed to the said France Shiflet by Asa Baugher by deed dated 18 day of Nov. 1887, the said deed eing of record of said county in Release book N.1 page 85 & 6 reference to which is hereby made for a further description of said land. The said parties of the first part except the mineral right on said land. The said parties of the first part covenant that they have the right to convey the said land to the grantee, that they have done no act to encumber the said land; that the grantee shall have quiet possession of said land free from all encumbrances, and that they the said parties of the first part will execute such further assurance of said land as may be necessary to perfect the title hereby conveyed to the said grantee. Witness the following signatures and seals,

M.M. Jarman [SEAL]
Lizzie A. Jarman [SEAL]
John Tompkins [SEAL]
J.W. Shifflett [SEAL]

($.50 in stamps)

Rockingham County to-wit:

I, A.E. Wyant a Notary Public for the county aforesaid in the State of Virginia, do certify that M.M. Jarman, Lizzie A. Jarman, J.W. Shiflett and John Tompkins whose names are signed to the writing hereto annexed, bearing date of the 13 day of February 1915, have acknowledged the same before me in my said county. Given under my hand this 13 day of February 1915. A.E. Wyant, N.P.

VIRGINIA: In the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County March 15, 1915

THIS DEED from M.M. Jarman & wife + c. to S.J. Hensley was this day presented in the office aforesaid, and is, together with the certificate of acknowledgment annexed, admitted to record.


J. Blackburn, Clerk

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