Thursday, March 4, 2010

Frances Shiflett Property

I just received the deeds associated with Frances Shiflett's property in eastern Rockingham County. Deput Clerk Lynn Lambert in the Rockingham County Circuit Court has been extremely kind to provide some research assistance to us. I will attempt to transcribe the deed records here:

[First recorded deed for Frances Shiflett]

August 18, 1866 (pg. 332)
This Deed made the 18th day of August 1866 between Frances Shiflett of the County of Rockingham and State of Va of the one part and Asa S Baugher of the County and State afforesaid of the other part witnesseth that said Asa S Baugher for and in consideration of the sum of Eighty-Dollars do bargain an sell to the said Frances Shiflett a certain track or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Rockingham and bounded as follows Beginning at a hickory near a branch corner to Solomon Shiflett thence S11E80 poles to a poplar on a branch S19E62 poles to a large rock and two lyns(?) S42 1/2 W16 poles to a white walnut and hickory S59W19 3/4 poles to a mahogany on a rock S40W18 poles to a large chestnut oak S51W19 1/2 poles to a red oak and locust in or near Powells line N43W165 poles to a chestnut stump on a moutain in Shifletts field N60E145 poles to a large poplar S80E35 poles to a white-oak near the road S23E3 poles to the beginning containing fify five acres more or less the said Asa S. Baugher do grant unto the said Frances Shiflett and her heirs and against the claim of all persons whatever shal and will warrent and defence the said land by these presents. In witness wherof the said Asa S. Baugher have herun to set his hand and seal this day and year first above written.

Asa S Baugher [seal]

In the Clerks office of the County Court of Rockingham August 21st 1866 this deed from Asa S. Baugher to Frances Shiflett was this day presented to me Deput Clerk of said County and being acknowledged by the said Asa S. Baugher is admitted to record.

Wm L. Trout, DC

[Timber rights deed from John W. Allen]

January 5, 1901
This Deed made and entered into this 5th day of January 1901 between John W. Allen and Mary C. Allen, his wife of Greene County, parties of the first part and J.R. Cover of Rockingham County party of the second part, all of the State of Virginia witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the sum of Thirteen Hundred Dollars cash in hand paid by the party of the second part to the parties of the first part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the said parties of the first part for the above consideration doth bargain grant and sell unto the said party of the second part with general warranty the following bark and timber right ?: all the timber and bark right except the chestunt timber and seven locusts standing around the spring near the dwelling house and fire wood that is not fit for timber on the following tract or parcel of land lying and being in the East part of Rockingham County on the West side of the Blue Ridge Moutains and adjoining the lands of Smith Roach, (?ll) Shiflett and others with the following lines and corners: beginning at a hickory near a branch corner with Solomon Shifflett thenc S11E80 poles to a poplar on a branch S190E62 poles to a large rock and two lyns S42 1/2W16 poles to a white walnut and hickory thence S59W19 3/4 poles to mahogany standing on a rock thence S40W18 poles to a large chestnut oak thence S51W19 1/2 poles to a red oak and locust in or near Powells line, thence N43W165 poles to a chestnut stump or hickory on the mountain in Shifletts field thence N60E145 poles to a large poplar thence S80E35 poles to a white oak near the road thence S23E3 poles to the Beginning, containing (1?)55 acres more or less. The said parties of the first part grant unto the said party of the second part the right away to build roads and to haul said timber and bark off of said tract of land except through the house lot. And further the said party of the second part is to have five years from the date of this deed to get the bark and timber off of said tract of land. Witness the following signatures-seals the day and date first above written
John W. Allen [seal]
Mary C. Allen [seal]

State of Virginia Count of Greene to wit
I Killis Roach a Justice of the Piece for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do certify that John W. Allen anad Mary C. Allen whose name are signed to the writing hereto annexed bearing date on the 5 day of Jan 1901 acknowledge the same before me in my County aforesaid given under my hand this the 5 day of Jan 1901.
Kills Roach, J.P.

In the Cler's Office of the County Court of Rockingham County, January 8, 1901, this Deed from John W. Allen and wife to J. R. Cover was this day presented in the office aforesaid and is together with the certificate of acknowledgement annexed admitted to record.
J.S. Messerley, Clerk

[Sale of Property from John W. Allen to M. M. Jarman and John Tompkins]

March 7, 1913
THIS DEED, Made this 7th day of March in the year one thousand nine hundred and Thirteen between John W. Allen and Mary C. Allen his wife of Greene County Va. parties of the first part, and M. M. Jarman and John Tompkins of Rockingham County Va. parties of the second part.
WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the sum of Five Hundred Dollars Cash in hand paid by the said parties of the second part to the said parties of the first part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the said John W. Allen and Mary C. his wife do bargain grant and sell and by these presents do grant unto the said M. M. Jarman and John Tomkins jointly with General Warranty, all of that tract or parcel of land lying and being in East Rockingham and situated on the West side of the Blue Ridge Mountains adjoining the lands of Smith, Roach, Armentrout and others, with the following distances and Courses: Begining at a Hickory near a branch Corner to Solomon Shiflett thence S11E80 poles to a poplar on a branch S19E62 poles to a large rock & two lyns S42 1/2 W16 poles to a White Walnut and Hickory S59W19 3/4 poles to a Mahogany on a rock S40W18 poles to a large chestnut oak S51W19 1/2 poles to a Red Oak and Locust in or near Powells line N43W165 poles to a chestnut stump on a mountain (but now a marked hickory) N60E145 poles to a large poplar S80E35 poles to a White oak near the road S23E3 poles to the beginning containing fifty five acres more or less being the same land that the said John W. Allen heired from his Mother the Late Frances Shiflett (he the said John W. Allen being the only heir) This the same tract of land conveyed to the said Frances Shiflett on the 18th day of November 1887 by Deed from Asa S. Baugher and Eliza F. Baugher which Deed is recorded in the Clerks office of the Circuit of Rockingham County in Release Book No. 1 at page 85 &6 reference to which Deed is made for further description of said land. The said John W. Allen and Mary C. Allen reserve all mineral rights on said land with privilege to work same but not reserving any timber on said land, said parties of first part covenant that they have the right to convey the said land to the grantee: that they have done no act to encumber the said land; that the grantee shall have quiet possession of the said land, free from all encumbrances, and that they the said parties of the first part, will execute such further assurance of the said land as may be requisite. Witness the following signature and seal:
John W. Allen [seal]
Marcy C. Allen [seal]

State of Virginia,
County of Greene to-wit:
I, W. A. Crawford Depty Clerk for B. I. Bickers Clerk of the Circuit Court of Greene County in the State of Virginia, do certify that John W. Allen and Mary C. Allen, whose names signed to the foregoing writing, bearing date on the 7th day of March, 1913, have acknowledged the same before me in my County aforesaid. Given under my hand, this 7th day of February 1913
W.A. Crawford, Dept C. G. C.

Virginia: In the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County July 25, 1913.
THIS DEED from John W. Allen and wife to M.M. Jarman & John Tomkins was this day presented in the office aforesaid, and is, together with the certificate of acknowledgement annexed, admitted to record.
Teste, [signature], Clerk.


  1. I've received confirmation from Lynn Lambert, Deputy Clerk at the Clerk of Courts office in Rockingham County, that the deed referenced above as: "18th day of November 1887 by Deed from Asa S. Baugher and Eliza F. Baugher which Deed is recorded in the Clerks office of the Circuit of Rockingham County in Release Book No. 1 at page 85 &6" is what was referred to as a "Release Deed". This is where the deed was released to Frances. A deed of release is like our Deed of Trust today. When you borrow money or still owe money on property there is a Deed of Trust that has to be released. Back then, they did a deed of Release, which releases the debt on the property. The Release deed is dated November 18, 1887 and it is located in the book at the County Clerk's office.

    When they released property back then, they made reference to the release deed under where the examination was done for the deed , which is handwritten on the left hand side of the original deed as follows:

    "For Release of Lien see Deed of Release Book No. 1 Pages 85 & 6. Teste, J. S. Moperley, C.C."

  2. I should have added that this means that it took roughly 20 years for Frances Shiflett to pay the $80 she agreed to pay for the 55 acres she purchased from Asa Baugher.
